Business Office

Business & Finance Department

The Business & Finance Department is responsible for all financial accounting processes and the reporting for all district funds. Our services include district purchasing, accounts payable, accounts receivable, investments, and budgeting. 
As stewards of public money, the Business Office serves its customers by providing sound management of district resources in a fiscally responsible and transparent manner, ensuring that student success is the focus of the department.

Business Office Directory

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StaffJob TitlePhoneContact
* Johnson, Cathy Assistant Superintendent of Finance & Operations 847-949-2200 x1231
Branick, Jacob Payroll Clerk 847-949-2700 x2037
Carey, Vittoria Executive Assistant to Finance Department  
Gasior, Maggie Grant & Medicaid Supervisor 847-949-2700 x2024
Hansen, Nicole Director of Finance 847-949-2700 
Laboy, Mayra Payroll Coordinator  
Logan, Joanne Business Office Generalist 847-949-2700 x2008
Parola, Amanda Business Office Generalist 847-949-2700 
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* denotes department administrator

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