Student Services Office
470 N. Lake Street
Mundelein, IL 60060
Ph: 847-949-2700
Fax 847-388-4893
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Assistant Superintendent of Student Services, Jamie DiCarlo
Ext. 2005
Administrative Assistant, Oneida Huizar
847-949-2200 Ext. 1413
Administrative Assistant/PFA (Preschool For All)/Special Transportation, Melissa Yonkelowitz
Ext. 2002
District 75 will provide a qualified interpreter for IEP meetings upon parent/guardian request for any multilingual parent. This will require advanced coordination. We ask that parent/guardian informs the IEP scheduler of their request as early as possible in the scheduling process.
Mundelein ESD 75 offers preschool programming to students identified as at-risk during the screening process or students who qualify for special education programming.
JumpStart is a general education classroom for students who qualify based on the District's screening process. JumpStart classes are taught by general education teachers and have twenty students per section. Each classroom is staffed with a teacher and a paraprofessional.
Screening dates and information can be found by clicking
Early Childhood Special Education is a special education classroom for students eligible for Special Education services and needs a smaller, more supported classroom setting. Each classroom can have a maximum of ten students and is staffed with a special education teacher and paraprofessional. This placement choice is a team decision made during the child's IEP meeting.
EXLS is a special education classroom for students identified as needing special education services and support from a longer, more structured school day with focused instruction on executive functioning, language, and social skills. Each classroom can have a maximum of ten students and is staffed with a special education teacher and paraprofessional. This placement choice is a team decision made during the child's IEP meeting.
Itinerant Services is a special education service for students who qualify for Speech and Language or Occupational Therapy services but do not require a preschool classroom. This placement choice is a team decision made during the child's IEP meeting.
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act ensures the educational rights and protections of homeless children and youth so that they may enroll in school, attend regularly, and be successful. The legislation requires a local homeless education liaison in every school district to assist children and unaccompanied youth in their efforts to attend school.
This Act guarantees homeless children and youth the following:
- The right to immediate enrollment in school, even if lacking paperwork normally required for enrollment.
- The right to attend school in his/her school of origin or in the school in the attendance area where the family or youth is currently residing.
- The right to receive transportation to his/her school of origin.
- The right to services comparable to those received by housed schoolmates, including transportation and supplemental educational services.
- The right to an “equal playing field” and the removal of all barriers to receiving educational services.
- The right to attend school along with children not experiencing homelessness. Segregation based on a student's status as homeless is strictly prohibited.
- The posting of homeless students’ rights in all schools and other places around the community.
McKinney-Vento Fact Sheet

Click here for additional Student/Parent Resources and information
Mundelein Elementary School District 75 Homeless Liaison:
Jamie DiCarlo, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services • 847-949-2200
Special Education
Social Service Agencies
SEDOL Parent Support Group
Parent support group meetings at SEDOL are open to all parents of children with IEPs.
A student is considered “qualified” under Section 504 of the student is between the ages of 3 and 22 years of age and has a disability, which is defined as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. Major life activities include caring for one’s self, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, working, performing manual tasks, and learning. Some examples of impairments that may substantially limit major life activities, even with the help of medication, aids or devices are attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), asthma, allergies, blindness or a visual impairment, deafness or hearing impairment, diabetes, epilepsy, heart disease, and mental illness. - Illinois State Board of Education
A case study evaluation is conducted with written parent/guardian consent and includes a series of diagnostic procedures that provide information about the student and the nature of the challenges that are affecting educational success. During a domain meeting, the educational team, which includes the students and parents, determines the components of the case study evaluation. The assessment must be completed within a 60 school-day timeline. When the case study evaluation is completed, results are shared and eligibility for special education services is determined by the educational team.
Parents may bring a private evaluation to the attention of the district staff. The private evaluation is reviewed through the problem-solving process and are compared to the district’s special education criteria and IDEA legislation.
Within 14 days of receiving a private evaluation or other request for assessment, the educational team determines whether additional assessment or other steps are warranted.
In order for a student to be eligible for an Individualized Education Plan, (IEP), they must qualify under one of the following eligibility categories:
- Autism
- Deaf-blindness
- Deafness
- Emotional disability
- Hearing impairment
- Intellectual disability
- Multiple disabilities
- Orthopedic impairment
- Other health impairment
- Specific learning disability
- Speech or language impairment
- Traumatic brain injury
- Visual impairment
If, through the evaluation process, a student is determined to be eligible for special education services, an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is developed and reviewed annually.An educational program must be available to students eligible for special education services until the day the student turns 22 in order to address established goals and objectives.Once annually Procedural Safeguards for Parents/Guardians of Students with Disabilities are shared with families.Eligibility for special education services is considered every three years through a re-evaluation process.Parent/guardians (or staff team members) may request an IEP meeting more frequently than once each year.
District 75 will maintain related service logs that record the type and number of minutes of the related service(s) administered to your child. Copies of any related service logs will be available to you at your child's annual review IEP meeting. You may also request a copy of the related service logs at any time.
If you would like to receive copies of your child's related service logs, please send your written request to Jamie DiCarlo, Assistant Superintendent of Student Services.
By mail: Jamie DiCarlo
470 N. Lake Street
Mundelein, IL 60060
Our Team
Lincoln Early Childhood Center: Mrs. Blue, Mrs. Cain-Nelson, Mrs. Klosinski, Mrs. Sementa
Washington Early Learning Center: Mrs. Klosinski, Mrs. Sementa
Mechanics Grove Elementary School: Ms. Kane, Mrs. Snelton, Mrs. Ehas
Carl Sandburg Middle School: Mrs. Blue, Mrs. Cain-Nelson, Mrs. Ehas, Mrs. Klosinski, Mrs. Sementa
Districtwide Positions: Mrs. Schultz
Contact Information
Mrs. Sam Blue, Guidance Counselor
847-949-2707, Ext. 6005
Mrs. Kelsey Cain-Nelson, Social Worker
847-949-2707, Ext. 6028
Mrs. Laura Ehas, Psychologist
847-949-2707, Ext. 2012
Ms. Jodi Kane, Social Worker
847-949-2707, Ext. 4005
Mrs. Suzanne Klosinski, Social Worker
847-949-2707, Ext. 6037
Ms. Jennie Segilia, Social Worker
847-949-2707, Ext. 3005
Mrs. Stephanie Snelton, Social Worker
847-949-2707, Ext.
Mrs. Cindy Sementa, Psychologist
847-949-2707, Ext.
Ms. Wendy Schultz, Behavior Coach
847-949-2707, Ext.