Social Studies

K-5 Pilot Program for 2023-2024 School Year

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Grade 6 Essential Questions

Unit 1 Launch Unit
Essential Question: What are the lessons and tools that are most needed to understand history, geography, civics and economics?

Unit 2 Geography
Essential Question: How does the physical geography of a civilization influence the culture?

Unit 3 Mesopotamia
Essential Question: How do humans control the environment to have their needs met?

Unit 4 Egypt
Essential Question: How did politics, culture and innovations develop, flourish and/or decline?

Unit 5 Ancient Greece
Essential Question: How did politics, culture and innovations develop, flourish and/or decline?

Unit 8 Maya, Inca, Aztec
Essential Question: How did politics, culture and innovations develop, flourish and/or decline?


Grade 7 Essential Questions

  1. What tools do we need to understand history, geography, economics, and civics?  

  2. How is the nation’s future shaped by its beginning?

  3. How do you know when a revolution is justified?

  4. What makes a revolution successful?

  5. How can freedom and rules co-exist?

  6. How did the US continue to change and grow in early years?

  7. How does a nation stay true to its values as it grows?

  8. How did the divided nation erupt into a civil war?

Grade 8 Essential Questions

  1. Launch Unit: What are the lenses and tools that are most needed to understand history, geography, civics, and economics? 

  2. Civil War: How did our divided nation erupt into a civil war? 

  3. Industrialization & Immigration: What are the benefits and consequences of rapid innovation? 

  4. Great Depression & WWI: How did the United States deal with global and domestic crisis?

  5. WWII & the Holocaust: How can learning about the choices people made during past periods of violence and genocide help guide our choices today?

  6. Civil Rights Movement: How do people successfully fight for their rights and equality? 

  7. Cold War:  What conditions and issues led to mistrust between the U.S. and USSR, thereby leading to the Cold War?