
Underpinning the entire K-8 Program is a concentration on the development of eight science and engineering practices. These practices include:

  • Ask Questions & Define the ProblemScience_photos
  • Develop and Use Models
  • Plan and Carry out Investigations
  • Analyze and Interpret Data
  • Use Mathematics and Computational Thinking
  • Construct Explanations
  • Engage in Argument from Evidence - including dialogue
  • Obtain, Evaluate, and Communicate Information


StemScopes_LogoK-5 Science Classes

In Kindergarten through 5th Grade, District 75 has adopted STEMscopes as the core curricular resource in monolingual classes. STEMscopes’ NGSS curriculum is a digital STEM curricula that empower teachers and enable students to develop problem-solving, innovation, and critical thinking skills necessary to be successful in the future.




Grade 1

Grade 1


Grade 2

Grade 2


Grade 3

Grade 3

Life Cycles

Inherited Traits


Environmental Changes

Plant/Animal Extinction


Objects in Motion


Weather and Climate

Natural Hazards


Grade 4

Grade 4

Scientific Method

Plants and Animals

Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources

Motion of Waves


Natural Processes

Grade 5

Grade 5


Solar Systems


Earth Systems

Matter and Identity 


 K-5 Science Curriculum Scope and Sequence 



Amplify_Science_Logo6-8 Science Classes

In 6th through 8th Grade, District 75 has adopted Amplify Science, as the core curricular resource. Amplify Science is a science curriculum that blends hands-on investigations, literacy-rich activities, and interactive digital tools to empower students to think, read, write, and argue like real scientists and engineers.

Grade 6

Grade 6



Traits & Reproduction



Thermal Energy

Grade 7

Grade 7

Geology on Mars

Plate Motion

Rock Transformations

Phase Changes

Chemical Reactions

Populations and Resources

Grade 8

Grade 8

Harnessing Human Energy

Force and Motion

Magnetic Fields

Light Waves

Earth, Moon, and Sun

Natural Selection