Enrichment Programming
The goal of Mundelein School District 75 is to provide every child access to a rigorous academic experience within the classroom. While our District’s curriculum meets these needs for most students, some may benefit from additional enrichment opportunities.
Project Challenge Program, Grades 1-5
Project Challenge at Washington Elementary and Mechanics Grove School is an enrichment program designed with these students in mind. Students who demonstrate talent and/or strength in language arts and/or mathematics may begin to receive Project Challenge instruction from our certified teacher responsible for providing supplemental services in grades one through five. The instructional services provided are flexible, based on the unit of study, which typically lasts four to six weeks. Student groups will evolve as the students’ specific areas of strength are demonstrated throughout the school year.
In order to determine which students would be best served with these informal differentiated services, Mundelein District 75 is using a variety of data points including:
● Reading and/or Math achievement on the STAR 360
● Math performance on Unit assessments
● Reading performance on Fountas & Pinnell benchmark assessments
● Teacher feedback that includes observations of the students’ thinking skills such as: creative thinking, problem solving, and deductive reasoning during their instructional class time.
Middle School Earned Honors within Language Arts (ELA/SLA)
- Middle School English/Spanish Language Arts Earned Honors (6th grade)
- Earned Honors in ELA/SLA will transition to grade 7 for the 2023-2024 school year.
- Earned Honors in ELA/SLA will transition to grade 8 for the 2024-2025 school year.
For the 2023-2024 school year, the English/Spanish Language Arts Course for grades 6 and 7 will be a program where students who meet academic expectations and demonstrate the ability to reflect on their individual learning path in the course can be eligible for honors credit each trimester. We believe that all students are capable of achieving high levels of academic success and reflecting on their growth. Therefore, all sixth grade students will be given the opportunity to demonstrate honors level work.
2022-2023 Earned Honors in 4 Steps
2022-2023 Earned Honors FAQ
Middle School Honors within Language Arts (ELA)
- Middle School English Language Arts Honors Class (8th grade 2023-2024 only)
The honors class serves as a replacement language arts class serves as a replacement language art class for students who need additional enrichment opportunities. The goal of this program is to support students capable of achieving high levels of academic success and reflection.
Middle School Advanced Math
In the spring of fifth grade, students will receive additional assessments to determine placement into the formal sections of Advanced Mathematics courses in sixth grade. Additional information about this process will be shared in early spring with the families of students in grade 5.
Math acceleration in middle school includes two levels of advanced math at each grade level. Students who are identified for placement into Advanced Math receive a compacted curriculum to ensure additional standards are taught.
- Grade 6 Advanced: Students receive instruction on the grade 6 standards and half of grade 7 math standards.
- Grade 7 Advanced: Students receive instruction on the remainder of the 7th grade standards and the grade 8 math standards.
- Grade 8 Advanced: Students receive instruction in the Algebra I standards, typically covered in grade 9.
Advanced Math Course Sequence 2022-2023
Big Ten, Double Period Advanced
Bridges K-5
& Project Challenge opportunities
Math 6
Math 7 - ½
Math 7 - 1/2
Math 8
Algebra I
Geometry Honors
Geometry in Construction
*with an earned honors option
Bridges K-5
& Project Challenge opportunities
Math 6
Math 7 - ½
Math 7 - 1/2
Math 8
For more information about Project Challenge, earned honors or advanced placement, please contact the Teaching and Learning Department in District 75 at 847-949-2700.
Mundelein Elementary School District 75
Acceleration Process 2023 Informational PDF